Thursday, 30 September 2010

Legal shizz0rz

Greetings dear Failout blog readers (if any of you exist),

I, FailDin, will be dealing with all legal practices involved in this most daring venture taken up by myself and my cohorts, err I mean, coworkers. I'm sure these will be numerous and very complex, therefore I foresee that I will be unable to deal with all the legal repercussions and we'll all end up in jail, but at least we'll have a laugh doing it and we don't need to buy food and shelter in jail...and we don't have to worry about being pursued by Bethesda...or mother-in-laws....maybe we should just go to jail....I'm getting sidetracked.

If there is anyone with any expertise in this field of legal advice, please GEIF MEH ADVICE NAO or this project is screwed, especially since I haven't started studying Law yet (I start tomorrow though w00t).

Legally yours,

Dr. FailDin Hon. LLB. Bsc. De. F. A. I. L.

'Errrrr can i hax pr0ducer?', a day in the life of Lp

The following content has been identified as potential Fail which might result in cronical self-embarassment.

Hello, I'm FailLp and I'm currently the Pr0ducer (Yes, i will be refering to myself as Pr0ducer (Yes, my e-peen is huge)) of Project Failout.  I'm going to be honest here, I got no idea what producers do or are supposed to do so i will just be writting embarrassing reviews of Failbadga's Experiments.
I'm currently being sued by several companies, mainly due to my schemes (aka frauds) that might have possibly gone slightly wrong. I got a corpse-pet named Richard, a Dead Lizard, and I am looking for a cat so i can stroke him after my epic evil quotes.
Just to finish my quick review about my fail of a life, I am going to present the following points:
  1. Can i haz money?!
  2. Can i haz SAUSAGE?!
  3. WTF do producers do -.-?!?
 Seriously though,

Day Two

Well, so far we have a name. A name and a dream. The dream of a place that resembles Bethesda's Fallout series with all names and locations suitably changed as to make it legal.

This goal is to be reached using the Unreal Development Kit - Because it's free and we are poor - and will be based mainly on the events of Fallout 3 and Fallout: New Vegas. You can look forward to this extra dose of fail sometime within a few years, as we (I, mainly) have little time to give the project. However, it's possible that we (again, mainly I) could speed up operations if extra financial aid were to be supplied. Contact us if you wish to make a donation, and be generous! After all, you are rich and we (well, I) are (am) very poor.

Seriously people, it's gonna be awesome.
Like a sausage.

Wednesday, 29 September 2010

Day One

Well, my friends. It has begun. The epic journey to a destination so failerrific that it could only have spawned over the internet. It is time, failful followers, to open the hatches and crawl from your failout shelters. It is time to embrace the fail!

Seriously though, it's coming, and it's gonna be big.