Tuesday 5 October 2010

Day 7 - I can has week?

Going to be a short one today, didn't have time to do anything with the UDK. Hopefully I won't be as busy tomorrow, and can make some more progress on level building. Din brought up a good point yesterday about companions - this would be a pretty awesome to be able to put in, but I don't even know for sure if friendly AI is possible. I really should do some research... No wait, Din can. He isn't doing anything else! Although, to be fair, none of us are in prison.


  1. None of us are in prison..... yet.

  2. Din brought up a good point yesterday about companions...I did?

  3. Yes. On vent. You probably don't remember. Allot of other stuff happened after that, possibly too much to take in all at once :P
