Thursday 7 October 2010

Day 9

Badga could not write today's blog post unfortunately, due to unforeseen circumstances involving him breaking his fingers while having sex with....well...another badger of course! As a result and his legal advisor (zeugma ftw, look it up u naabs), it has fallen to me to write this post. 

Today's philosophy lecture dealt with the question of what makes a human's actions moral and how they differ from the actions of an animal. You probably know where this is going. Yes that's right, Fallout's karma system. This will probably not be implemented in Failout, I just mentioned it to get your hopes up and then immediately dash them to pieces like the heartless son of a biatch lawyer I am to become. Unless maybe Badga has a lot of spare time and consequently spare time problems, meaning he does not know what to do with all that spare time and must inevitably design a karma system for Failout to stave off boredom. This will not happen. Ever. However, rest assured, the final version of the game will have oodles and oodles of pie, it will simply be in a hidden area which is impossible to reach, making its presence in the game absolutely pointless, so we won't include it.

Until next time, this is FffffffffffffailDin, AA-OOH, coming to you live from the Capital Failland!! Bow-wow! (Well done if you got the Galaxy News Radio + Three Dog spoof reference, here's a cookie)

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